Random Musing #37.

Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruits with seed in it according to their various kinds. And it was so. Can you imagine what will happen if the plants and trees decided to eat up  their fruits..The end of a cycle! The annihilation of…

Photo of the Day.

In recent  times, I have been receiving Invites to Radio stations  to talk about my music project and other things I have been doing lately. I was going through my photo gallery when I saw this  particular picture. It brought back the memory of the particular evening I went for this interview.  This moment was…

Wordless Wednesday.

Welcome to another exciting episode of Wordless Wednesday where pictures speak louder than words. What do you think this picture  is saying?   OBA2016@Thekingsoracle. All rights reserved.

#Forgeahead…Celebrating Womanhood.

How time flies! We are already half way through the year 2016.  As we stepped into the month of June, for the very first few days , I was reviewing and revisiting my goals and plans for the year. To be honest, I am grateful for the milestones recorded in the pastmonths and other achievements,…

Grateful for kindness.

I am particularly grateful  for how this week began on Sunday I was at a friend’s birthday party. My team and I were on ground to spice up the event on request and we did have a blast. Because  at the end of the day, the celebrant was overwhelmed by the show of love and…

Prickly Parenting

Originally posted on The Daddy Blitz:
As a parent, do you ever feel prickly? Merriam-Webster defines “prickly” as “covered with prickles.” Two prickly creatures that come to mind are the puffer fish . . . and the porcupine . . . 1.  THE PRICKLE CAUSE When my children are . . . disrespectful, argumentative, untruthful,…