Upon this Height.

       Upon this HEIGHT I stretch myself  out Before your holy presence I here myself present Baring it out out My hopes,my dreams,my thoughts ,my fears,my longing,my lust! Everything uncovered ,naked and  ashamed cause you see it all 😦 You see everything even when I want to hide it all,  Do you care at…

Whoever said leadership was a piece of cake?

Everything rises and falls on leadership, says John Maxwell, who is considered to be one of the 21st-century leadership gurus. No matter the status,  a fortune 500 CEO, entrepreneur, stay-at-home mum/dad, whoever and whatever you do, you are in a leadership position because you find one or two people or more looking up to you…

Fright Night -Oh death where is thy sting?

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Fright Night.” When I was a  teenager, an unfortunate incident occurred that almost jeopardize my life.  I fell into the hands of hoodlums who used manipulations to steal from people. They are called(419). In a bid to extort money I was brainwashed to go home and pack all…

If I remove my hand from your life!

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “If You Leave.” I thought hard about this prompt and it was difficult to actually figure out .But then the words she said resounded in my mind yet again. “Banke, ti mo ba yowo loro e, ( Banke, if I turn my back on you, you will not…

How To Position Yourself For Success……Without A Big Break!

Now that seems like a contradictory statement, How can you be successful without a big break? oh puleeze!! isn’t the big break meant to make one successful?? Hi friends,welcome to another exciting Monday,Music and Me. like i said previously this is where I will be sharing some tips on on-stage success and more, as a musician…

To Leave A Legacy.

The first time I read Stephen Covey’s First thing First, It took me a while to understand everything at a go, but as the years went by I began to really understand the need for priority, purpose, and living a life of significance. I even attempted to adopt his mantra: To Live, To Love, To Learn,…

Perfect Number7

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Seven Wonders.” The number 7 is a number of Totality,Completeness,Perfection.It is one of the Significant number in the Bible. My seven words will be ; Live Every Minute like it’s the Last ! This i believe is explanatory enough. Khalil Gibran once said that people will never understand…

Random Musing #25.

“The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence”   “For every battle of Life that you engage in, God has already promised victory”! Ideas are like rabbits,you get a couple and learn how to handle them and pretty soon you have a dozen. “You are not truly free until you know you are…

Mandate 2000.

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Brainwave.” The year 2000 was a significant year for me. It was my final year in the University after about 10years in the university -I had a personal challenges and health issues that made my days longer than expected. Be that as it may,my university days were…

RANDOM THOUGHTS.Have less,Be More,Do More.

“It’s not happiness that makes us grateful, it’s gratefulness that makes us happy. Here I am sitting down on my bed,I want to try and catch a nap, but then I just thought of scribbling something down,enjoying the freedom of my timing.Living life the way I desire to live,without the pressure of the rat race…