A beautiful Merry Christmas everyone. I know it’s been a while, but I am doing very well, and miss you all too. Great news coming 2019. DO HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A FABULOUS 2019.   ©OBA 2018. All rights reserved.

In pursuit of contentment.

Let’s face it, Nobody gets everything they want, there will always be something after you’ve got something, then you want something else and then another one, and another one, the cycle goes on. After an entire lifetime of trying to filling my life with beautiful things, I am learning to simply be content with what…


The only thing that’s constant in life is Change! But it’s quite hard to see things grow old. The town in which I grew up is growing old, wait a minute. I am growing old too. I remember the house I grew up in, in spite of the renovations over the years, the building is…

I’m still here.

Hello people, I know it’s been a  while. It’s been an awesome journey of learning, relearning and unlearning. A lot of exciting things happened in September, I don’t know how I’m going share everything, but be rest assured that I will share a few with you as we progress in this new month. I miss…

5 Top benefits for achieving any goal.

Why do you do what you do? What do you do it all for? Recently, I set a goal for myself and was determined to see it through. I have done similar things previously and it was just an exercise in futility, but this time around I promised myself that I will, by all means,…


According to the dictionary, August means, respected or impressive. other synonyms include renowned, eminent, distinguished, celebrated, honoured and distinction. According to bible numerology, August is the 8th month which signifies resurrection or regeneration, in other words, a new beginning. So here is wishing you and praying that you will experience everything that August connotes, that…

Savour every moment.

Don’t forget as you journey through this week, to capture great moments with you, your friends and loved ones. Take it upon your self to   Peace and love ©OBA 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Monday Motivation.

It’s a beautiful Monday, the beginning of another exciting working week. I trust you had a fabulous weekend. One word that kept resonating in my heart over the weekend was the word “Surrender”, This is an unpopular word that is rarely used because it creates an unpleasant image when you just think about it. It…