How I got my teenage son to fall in love…

I have always marveled at how engrossed he is with any form of a device, it’s been a lifelong tendency, Once his hands touch a device, he totally forgets about his immediate environment to the degree that it’s now a big challenge to focus on other areas. Often times it became a big fuss with…

Why do I do what I do?

Why do I do what I do? Pondering over this question I couldn’t help remember a line from a dairy milk advert on TV? It goes like this; why do mums do the things they do?…don’t you wish your mama was fine like mine. Have you at any point or another considered this line of thought?…

Random Musing. #80.

  Thriving societies are built upon the integrity of small family units, thriving family units are greatly dependent upon the integrity of the fathers in those family units. The loss of fathering to one family is a loss to the whole family of man. The chain of society is as strong as its weakest link. Where…

How Do You Raise Confident Children?.

I am a proud mother of 3 boys, and I am so blessed and happy to have them, Initially all I ever wanted was just two boys and I have them, then came another one, because I didn’t plan to have another baby  after those two, It just happened, I prayed and hoped that the…