3 Writing Exercises to Flesh Out Your Character’s Motivations

I found this post very very helpful as I am in the middle of a writing project now. I hope it is helpful for you too.
P:S, Apologies for been away for so long. I am working on new projects. miss you all.

A Writer's Path

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, a poorly realized character will ruin your story. Even with the best plot in the world, your novel will struggle to truly connect with its audience if you’re unable to present multi-dimensional characters who behave believably.

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  1. Karine says:

    Hallo, ich denke, dass ich sah, ddie Sie besucht mein site so
    i kam ich “revanchieren”. Versuch zu finden, um ddie
    Dinge zuu verbessern verbessern mein Ich nehme an,
    es ist ok, um einige Ihre Ideeen !!

    Liked by 1 person

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