Are you in a band? Part 2

Last week Monday precisely, I posted something about being in a band,the 14and responsibilities. We looked into 2 of the member of a standard band. The Front Man ,and the lead guitarist. You might want to check here for the previous post;

Today we are taking it further to all other members of the team. Hello great friends, welcome to MondayMusic&Me. Moving right along, let’s get started.

*Rhythm Guitar: Most bands have two guitarists whose roles are split into  Lead and Rhythm,in most cases they share common roles,however Rhythm playing makes for two thirds of the guitarist job-As a rhythm player your role is to support,and be able to lock in with the bass and the must have a good knowledge of chords,and you must be able to understand harmonies and provide a good feel for the vocalist to sing over.

*Keyboardist: The keyboard player is an integral part of the band . Most memorable keyboard players are musically strong.They understand theory,tones,chord structure and arrangement if you call yourself a keyboard player and you don’t understand these basics, you might as well find something else to do. Most times a keyboard player is mot visible in the band except in cases he/she is the FRONT MAN.

*Bass: There are different styles of bass players ,some are root bass players,able to hold down the low end ,keep it simple laying down a strong foundation with the drummer, (these guys share a peculiar bond with their instruments). As a bass guitarist you are responsible for linking the harmony of a song with  a distinctive rhythm(groove). You have to learn how to keep time.

*Drummer: If you are the drummer in a band,then you are the anchor of the band. The other musicians are relying on you to provide a strong beat that keep everything together,every other musician may be able to cover their flaws when playing together,but not you. The drummer is vital to a band!  My husband is the drummer in my band, I respect his consistency of his craft. His timing is impeccable( I am not saying that as his wife, but as a musician who has enjoyed and still enjoys  working with a great drummer 🙂

*Background vocals: Backing vocalists are singers who provide vocal harmony with the lead vocalist or other backing vocalists. As a background vocalist you must be musically sound, you must have a great personality. Always remember you are not there to steal the show but you are a crucial part of the show.

*Utility Player: This is someone who can play several parts competently, We have some utility players in the band, they play their instruments and do some other work as vocalists etc.

No matter what role you play in the band,when you are in the spotlight you must deliver musically and visually-Give your 100%  because ;

Stage is live.

The Audience will respond to the music,the visual, and the Person!

To your musical exploit,

Play skilfully.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Rachel Ann says:

    Absolutely. Well said. Be passionate, and be compassionate with your fellow musicians. From one musician and singer to another, cheers!


    1. kingsoracle says:

      Yes my dear friend and fellow musician, great to know you are there. RachelAnn.

      Liked by 1 person

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