Random Musing #27.

Lately, there has been so much sad news over the air waves. News of domestic violence within the confines of marriage. As I ponder of  Love ,life and marital bliss. I concluded in my heart, we were never promised a smooth love /marital sail.But we have been given the capacities to manage situation and proffer…

Kindness Challenge#2

This week’s focus on Niki’s revofkindness is Observing Kindness around us. I grew up in a typical modest home here in Nigeria. From my Childhood, I watched and saw how my parents translated their acts of kindness, especially my mom. Our house was  always filled up with family members coming to live with us on many occasion….

Too fast for time.

Satisfied , unsatisfied dissatisfied, where do I  belong? This questions I ASK MYSELF. I am deeply hungry for more Looking for a tribe called Quest For quest means business I can no longer stay here Am I in a hurry? I guess you call me ,Miss impatient I’m  trying my best but it  seems it…

This thing in my chest

I Woke up to life this morning Took sometimes to just be alone and  quiet I had a talk with the Man upstairs Mumbling words  in between Then I had to switch gear Tending to the needs of those around. *********** My thoughts drifted away for a moment People make commitment And then they fail…